2024 Outlook: Forecasters & Trend Reporters

Curated by Megan Collins, Cultural Anthropologist, Generational Expert and contributor to the MTD blog

It’s the beginning of a new year, so your feeds were likely just flooded with the annual proliferation of people’s notes app IN & OUT lists. It's become an annual social media tradition for people to post at the end of the year what they are leaving in the past and focusing on in the future. For some this is largely about the personal while others take this as an opportunity to try their hand at trend forecasting and analysis. From making declarations about what fashions are decidedly out, to making pop culture predictions about celebrity behavior, this is a moment where we collectively get out our crystal balls and give Nostradamus a run for his money. 

As a professional trend forecaster, I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, I love to hear people’s observations and analyses and think that thoughtful and critical discussions about trends and why they matter are important. On the other, I’m always wary of the pitfalls of empowering just anyone to be an “expert” especially when it comes to consumption. At their best, trends can be a powerful way for humans to come together and celebrate creativity. At their worst, they’re contributing to a problematic cycle of consumption that prioritizes chasing the latest fad for the sake of it.

To find the middle ground, this month we wanted to share 3 creators in trend forecasting & analysis who transcend the latest “viral” internet aesthetic to strike the balance of art, science, and engaging commentary to keep you up on the most emergent trends in the fashion space (and consumers in general) 

Mandy Lee aka @OldLoserinBrooklyn 

As her handle suggests, Mandy Lee is a Brooklyn-based fashion commentator and trend forecaster. Contrary to her handle she’s anything but a “loser” and in fact is one of the leading analysts of what we wear and why in the current social media era. Every year I look forward to her Met Gala coverage on TikTok and whether or not a brand has invited her to their NYFW event is a big signal to me of how much they understand the changing fashion landscape. 

Ana Andjelic 

From her illustrious Substack “The Sociology of Business” to her book The Business of Aspiration to her latest role as chief brand officer tasked with making E-Spirit relevant again. While her work is thematically about fashion and branding, it also discusses the importance of brand storytelling and cultural relevance. Tying in culturally relevant topics and brands to illustrate her points, she consistently makes a case for why brands need to be able to connect with their audience on an emotional level. 

Rian Phin aka @thatadult 

If you’re looking for big-brain thoughts on today’s runways look no further than Rian Phin aka @thatadult. When I see her signature burgundy hair on my fyp I always stop to see what insightful dissertation on fashion she’s going to (seemingly) casually drop. She’s a true innovator who thinks outside of what’s going to be commercially successful. She’s also incredibly thoughtful about contextualizing fashion in the larger social landscape. In 2023 she was featured in the Dazed 100 and launched a Substack, we can’t wait to see what’s next for 2024!